Two deformable triangles!
tonight I thought of places with some day of delay my latest creation, which would be a triangle peyote (a technique of weaving with beads), which is very easy to achieve for connoisseurs of the art. The material I used are: 0.25 mm nylon thread and glass beads rocailles and burgundy colors. I wanted to create games with these two colors on both sides of the triangle (the one I prefer is the clear version with burgundy lines). Then I also discovered that, as a form tridimenzionale, that is obtained by assembling two triangles, you can pinch to the inside and get the three sides to form another three-pointed star really interesting.
What to do with these two elements? Well being two identical triangles I thought I could fit on a tip a nun and thus have a very special pair of earrings, pendants, or turn them into two very cute! As you can guess, are just beginning with this technique. You will see my progressiu slowly! A tomorrow with the historical section of Friday! Kiss divine ...
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