Sunday, November 11, 2007

German Paintball Guns

Domination Cherubim (angels)

The ancient tradition is not clear whether the term domain used by Paul of Tarsus in Colossians (1:16) was used to refer to rulers of nations and men, rather than an angelic hierarchy. Instead, it is absolutely certain that the Dominions in Christian thought from entering by the Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (fifth century). In fact, in the "celestial hierarchy" (8:1) the Pseudo-Dionysius used this name for a category of "celestial intelligences" free of any association with things low and towards the whole time and then be sovereign over Angels, Archangels and Thrones. Shortly afterwards, in the "Homilies on the Gospel" (sixth century), St. Gregory the Great argued that humans are able to control themselves in every evil instincts are close to the ranks of the Dominions (34:11). The medieval iconography characteristic of this hierarchy with a sphere and a scepter in the hands of each angel. As reported by Giordano Berti seen in the "afterlife" (Mondadori Illustrated Books, Milan, 1998, sv "Kyriotites"), a collection of esoteric tradition Agrippa (1533) gave Angel Zadkiel or Tsadkiel, the supremacy of this order, corresponding to Hashmallim Judaism and Sefira Hesed (love). New ideas on this angelic hierarchy were developed by the founder of anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner (1909), who argued that the Dominions, or "Spirit of Wisdom", accept that the Throop bring so-called "down from the universe" and place it in harmony with the new celestial body that is being born. The new age tradition

Starting with anthroposophical ideas, the followers of the new age have developed new ideas that deviate from both the Christian tradition and from the Kabbalah. What follows is a clear example of these ideas. The Dominions have the task of regulating the duties of lower angels, receiving orders from the seraphim, cherubim, or directly from God, and must ensure that the cosmos is always in order. It is with extreme rarity that the dominions themselves physically to mortals. Instead, they quietly affecting the details of life. They are the angels to whom God entrusted the Dominion forces. They make up the army of the Apocalypse and they depend on the universal order and iron discipline to which the angels are intended to keep it.

is possible that the name of the holy Dominions detector will show us the strength to rise, never surrenders, freed from lower yielding, they do not drop absolutely no discordant reality and tyrannical than any degrading enslavement come as can be in communion with the eternal divinity of the Principle of Domination


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