Sunday, November 11, 2007

What Does Shoe Size C D Mean

The origins of Wicca

Wicca (shown for the first time in public by Gerald Gardner, 1884-1964) is proposed as the ancient pagan religion before the advent of Christianity, turning into a cult devoted to the worship of the evil is still the Witchcraft is often associated and confused with the "Satan" and the figure of the Witch evokes many fears related to the image of an evil being dedicated, voluntarily, to the "evil".
Witches are not devil worshipers, as dictated by the Church, but wise knowers of the rhythms of nature, and custodian of the ancient tradition Pagan, Witchcraft is a belief spontaneous, the Witch (man or woman, without distinction) followed their instincts and practice rituals, parties which recognizes, are rooted in nature and its cycles.
The ancient pagan wisdom has spanned the centuries up to the present day, in small groups, families or circles in solitude in the ancient wisdom has always continued to be transmitted and the rites were celebrated in secret defiance of persecution. And in fact the persecution partly explains the scarcity of historical documents.
In its origins, at least for the direct influence on the movements of modern magic, is the American author Charles Godfrey Leland (1824-1903).
Leland spent many years in Europe, dealing with enthusiasm to Italian folklore, in which he saw the survival of Etruscan and Roman religion.
According to the biography of Leland in 1888, was initiated into a cult of witch-Romagna Tuscany by a woman that he would always identify with the name of Mary Magdalene.
This woman had handed over a manuscript in Leland, where he would later stretch "Aradia, the Gospel of the Witches", published in 1899
The text presents two different versions of the myth of unity of the primordial goddess, Diana, with its equivalent " solar, and brother, Lucifer, Aradia was born from their union, set to come to earth to teach the magic arts-related witchcraft. Many rituals and ceremonies did not come down to us intact in modern witchcraft, and are not adopted, or only partially, by groups, such as nude dancing, and occasionally joining sexually during the ceremonies.
Witchcraft that is normally associated with a cult hit once by the Inquisition, in reality has nothing to do with Satanism, but is contrary to the survival of the pagan cult, primarily associated with Diana and a God with horns ( easily, but erroneously, identified with Satan), which revolves around the celebration of four great sabbath-Beltane (April 30th), Halloween (October 31 ).... etc. .., the celebrations connected with the equinoxes and solstices and " Esbat.
If the research of Leland, and others (v.Murray, Graves) provide a foundation myth of modern witchcraft, the real founder is to be seen in the figure of Gerald Brosseau Gardner (1884-1964).
According to his version of an ancient tradition was started by a woman who sorcerers used to be called "Old Dorothy", he would be thrilled to witchcraft to the point of wanting to disclose openly, although the laws of the British weather is bad again.
Mask then some rituals, as a novel, High Magic's Aid (1949), it also seems that Gardner was in possession of a Book of Shadows, which contained the rites of the group from which it was begun. Doreen Valiente said he believes Gardner to replace a number of texts taken from Crowley with other Aradia, Leland and other sources considered more traditional and tied to pagan worship.


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