Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Difference Between Aikido And Aiki Jiu Jitsu

Athenian festivals in the month dell'Ecatombeone

The Hecatombaeon owes its name to the many offers that were made to Apollo, which was dedicated, but it seems that in ancient times was called "CHRONO" that were celebrated by Crone 12.Riguardo the day we only know that these celebrations were slaves celebrated with bloodless sacrifices in honor of Kronos as well as also Rea.
On 27 and 28, Athens, celebrated Small annual Panathenaic, whereas 21 to 29 the Great Panathenaic four-year, falling on the third year of each Olympiad.
The latter, founded by Pisistratus, to flesh out the latest in a most solemn and festive celebration, in which Athens is admired in its traditions and its institutions, religious and civili.Il the celebrations included the first 3 days, musical events, athletic and equestrian, which were all great agony. The gymnastic contests
included wrestling, boxing, Pancrazio, the pentatlo.I great agony ended on 26 with the equestrian gari and winners of the various specialties received a jar of olive oil sacred.
Then came the small shad during the Panathenaic and Small were divided into three main races: the Pyrrhic, and the Evandri lampedromia.
The Pyrrhic dance was armed, in honor of Athena. The
Evandri was a race between Athenian tribes represented by their most beautiful and young stalwart who went in armed re Leocorio procession at the temple here and praised the singing the praises of freedom and Harmodius Aristogitone.I winners of that race were the infantry in solemn procession. The
Evandri was a true liturgy, a service that is supported by private expenditure by one or more private citizens and was the sacred vigil, which ran the lampedromia, running with fiaccole.Si sang, danced, while The moonless night was lit by thousands of torches.
The festivities culminated with the procession to the temple on the Acropolis.


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