Friday, November 30, 2007

Put Badges Brownie Vest

IRFANPAINT: Excellent plug-in for IrfanView 4.10

Irfanpaint is a plugin for Irfan View , referred to as simply "display" would be rather simplistic . In addition to the many possibilities already offered by Irfan View as lies and lies, you know that you can add a lot of this plugin to make it among the viewers, such as Swiss Swiss boxcutter boxcutters. Among these there is also plugin
Irfanpaint, available now in the latest version of Irfan View (4.10), but warns the author, when that version came out he was not quite ready yet and therefore should at least download the DLL from the its site to replace the one that came "stock" with Irfan View. Yes, because Irfanpaint has the honor of being one of the plugins included in Irfan View without having to be downloaded separately. From programmone just press F12 (or Edit menu> show paint box) to see appear a tiny but useful palette of commands.
Irfanview was already providing many ways to edit a picture in its entirety with the filters, or cropping, scaling, and so on to make a strip or an arrow, but it was necessary to resort to something else.
Irfanpaint currently provides but a few great features: free-hand drawing (brush) with foreground and background color, rubber and rubber-undo to restore the image as it was before you messed with us IrfanPaint, a micro version of the stamp Photoshoppiana clone of memory, a command to draw lines (to be tested in combination with the shift and control keys!), the same instrument in "arrow", the tools to draw ellipses (circles) and rectangles (squares) and empty full (by selecting "fill"), the bucket to fill with a color demarcated areas, dropper (color picker) to infer the color to be used later directly from the pixels of the loaded and, last but not least, a command to "straighten" photos with just one click. This last command is missing where is more needed, or in certain programs in support of some digital cameras: Just to join the line of this instrument to the realm of classical distorted picture ... et voila: the photo is rotated as it should be!
Irfanpaint gives the possibility to size the thickness of all that track and choose (in moderation!) Characteristics of the brush or lines drawn. You can also work only in the selections, with all the limitations that they may have in Irfan View. Not bad for a few K more, gratis, for free, right?
To work, of course, requires IrfanPaint IrfanView and can be used only on Windows NT-Like (2000, XP, Vista). In addition it was created by a programmer Italian named Matteo.


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