Monday, December 17, 2007

Automotive Ped Connectors

pain, as regards the physical ... I do not know exactly explain, he left the punishment, then it became both punishment and pleasure, because those cuts could, if only for a short time to calm my soul, my pain, my despair ... it's like if they could give me a sense of tragic satisfaction, a momentary peace of mind ...

Gabrielle de Lioncourt:
It 's a human being: a term that defines be a petty, selfish, stupid, abusive, possessive, traitor, opportunist ... etc.. (Some even have some positive adjective, but in such small quantities or intermittent pattern that does not quote).

Evelyne Nicole:
is not dead which can eternal lie, but with the passing of strange ere even death dies ...

Every season has its reason to exist, the decline is just a smokescreen behind which to hide our laziness


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